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Precipitation information


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Clouds information

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Currently: 72.3, Min: 59.1, Max: 72.2
72.3°F  rising


Feels like: 72°F
Inside: 74.3°F
  High Low
Today: 72.2°F (2:26 pm) 59.1°F (12:01 am)
Yesterday: 68.5°F (4:13 pm) 53.3°F (7:24 am)
Month: 74.9°F (Oct 4) 53.3°F (Oct 6)
Year: 97.3°F (Jul 16) 17.4°F (Jan 20)


Rain Today:0.16 in

Rain Rate/hr:0.00 in

Yesterday:0.00 in

This Month:0.16 in

Season Total:40.88 in


Wind from W

Wind from W
1.0 mph

0 Bft

2.0 mph

Gust today:
7.0 mph at 6:14 am


Sun:   sunrise  6:57 am sunset  6:25 pm

Daylight hh:mm 11:28 ( -3 minute)

Moon:  moonrise  11:48 am moonset  7:58 pm

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Waxing Crescent,  21% Illuminated

Humidity & Barometer

Humidity: falling 81%

Dew Point: rising 66.2°F

Barometer: falling 29.77 inHg

Trend: Steady

Solar Radiation

0 W/m2 (0%)

High: 0 @  none

UV Index Forecast more information

Last updated: Oct 7 2024  2:30 pm => 2:31 pm  seconds ago 

ERROR module yrnoCreateArr.php (87): Unable to retrieve xml for

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Equipment we use:

Davis VP2

Davis VP2